Tuesday 12 July 2011

catching up on work exp

I had so much fun at the nursery. It was utterly amazing, it made me love kids more. The thing is i got to attached to most of the kids especially this little boy called Dallas and on my last day and he wasnt there i was kinda sad, but i had a whole lot of other kids to help out, By the end of friday the teacher says 'Know can anybody see somebody who has been here all week helping and playing with you guys' and they all point to me..then she says 'that's right, well its her last day today and what she doesnt know is that weve been working on a surprise for her' and two little children gave me a handmade card with some of the kids names in it, and a little box of choclates..i almost cried it was so lovley! i miss the dearly and was very sad monday morning sitting in dreary form! was so upsetting.

  So i wont to become a nursery teacher and i tell you what it was looking like it was my final decision, until my mother said that she'd rather i go for reception or year one. She wont stop telling me this so looks like shes made up my mind for me. once again.
     And i get she only wonts whats best for me, but i wont the indipendance and oppotunity to decide for myself. So i dont know.

Only 1 week&5days until the summer holidays AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH so excited to have a big big break for school, its so overhwelming now days. Then ill be in my last year its gone so quickly:)

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