Monday 4 July 2011

work experience day uno

I was dreading work experience and i was so nervous i thouight the other school people would be really stuck up and their actualy quite nice i know two of them from when we went to school together. So i went back to my old middle school which had been turned into a primary school, but anyway, when we got there we had to sign in and then we'd be took to the library where all the work experience people were and we all had to sit around this long table and we where joint by the headteacher, she handed us our badges and our bookl;ets (health&saftey, (& two others) oh my goodness the size of them where MASSIVE, and she took us through the rules what we can and cant do with the children and on one of the sheets it told us where we were going, now i really wonted a younger year and luckily i got nursery which is english for kindergarden or pre'k, so im with like a morning group of like 5 year olds then and then when they go home at dinner time we get younger kids which range from like 4-5 i think. But it was so much better then what i thought and the teachers where so nice. i really wanna type up some of the things that happend and where actually quite funny but i dont think im allowed so ill leave that. Anyhow nursery kids play play play all day with the ocaitional story, but i swear its kiddy heave in that area. I was given the tour they have there own bathroom, a snack table full of cucumber, apples, oranges and runnerbeans and a mini fridge full of milk and they can go whenever they wont they have so many toys and things to do, and then they go outside too where theirs a massive sand piut water troughs obsticle things and really cool things to play with, so i had to get to know the kids today which was kind of aqwerd, they dont remeber my name so they call me teacher, but in the afternnon the teachers fount out that offstead where coming tommorow so they where flapping abit about that which was very understandable so anyhow i got stuck sharpening pencils the whole afternnon because thats what offstead ceck apparently little things like that, over 100 chunky pencils were in that basket..the blisters on my thumbs and fingers are massive. After today ive decided i wont to go into teaching but reception years which is a year older the nursery and im pretty set on it. So we'll see what tommorow bring :)

im loving the working life :D

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