Sunday 3 July 2011

times gone by

Seriously doubt alot of people noticed i was gone like but still i can try ayy!

reasons for not writing.
  1. i really couldnt be botherd
  2. had so much going on
  3. no time
  4. i suck
  5. wasnt feeling the inspiration
SO anyway im back and have alot of things to say.

i am so angry with my fricking schoool seriously why does it feel the need to try and make every singloe one of us perfect, how dare they tell us to express ourselfs when were not allowed to do anything,. not aloud to have multitoned hair, not allowed jewlery, not aloud bright makeup only natural colours, have to wear a specific tyupe of sock, no nail polish, it comptley sucks. I have work experience starting tommorow for five days, im dreading it, id be fine if we wasnt with anouther school who is SO STUCK UP THEY MAKE THE QUEEN LOOK LIKE A CHAV! so im going to a primary school which my younger sister bean goes to and im with some friends so i hope it wont be that bad. im just scared in case i get a quesation wrong LOL.

 So i have a serious phobia of people being sick which resorts into a panickattack/breakdown no jokes. i went to councilling for it a while back and that was a disaster, she was a trainie that was absolutley was RUBBISH at everything and treated me like i was 5 ugh. She made me was videos of people being sick which included drunk people, fake people, cats  & these two aussie girls who drank raw eggs to make themselves sick in a little tin, this included close ups of there was pointless&rank (yes this is on youtube:|) but anyway after long weeks of councilling i was so not over it. But after a while i convinced myself i was over it and i was doing really well until the other night. My friends 15th birthday was going so amazingly at the theme park and then a lovley meal..then we slept over at her house like 5 of us and her friend come over too, now they had planned to 'booze iut up' so i went along with it and because me and keelie were quite badly sunburnt keelie ends up gett8ing sunstroke so my inicial thoughts of when i had sunstroke were 'SICK' & then her friend had been drinking two nights before andburped and bought up wkd and chrisps, and i felt like i was going to break down and have a pancik attack so i called my mother to come pick me up so i wouldnt ruin anyones night, so i got my stuff and went home. i swear to god i broke down in tears because i felt like such a downer and this phobia is ruining my life completley, so now ive told mum that im going back to the counciller and i planned to get hypnotised. I seriously hope this works this time because i cant go on living with this. It puts so many limits on my life. IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING SIMILAR TO WHAT I HAVE PLEASE TELL ME ID LOVE TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT IT, AS I NOW NOBODY WHO KNOWS HOW IT FEELS TO HAVE PEOPLE LAUGH IN YOUR FACE AND NOT REALISE HOW SERIOUS THIS IS. OR IF ANYONE KNOWS ANY SUPPORT SITES OR ANYTHING PLEASE TELL ME. CONTACT DETAILS WILL BE AT THE END OF THE POST.

I had so many things to blog abouttoday and now ive gone blank. ahhweeell. i apoligise for the spelling mistakes as this is rushed and i cba to spell check it :')


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