Saturday 30 April 2011


its late..very late  
 nightmares again.

So anyway heres why yesterday was like one of the best days eva.  I was watchign the royal wedding when all of a sudden the phone rings and its cobie asking me if i wont to go out with her and callum so i said yeah, and we went up yarmouth (all the decentish shops are there) and it was histerical in so many ways. Just the things these tweens come out in is more then enough to put anyone in a good mood. So the day was filled with mexican hates and fake mustaches which by the way really itch up your nose, i ended up putting mine as a mono brow haha. But they day was amazing. 

happy 1st of may :)
(L-R)Callum and i, i realise i look horrible, but he's so cute in his mustache:D

(L-R) mysel, and cobie :D

There twitter names cobie- @fuckyeahcobie & callum- @JemonToast

there truly amazing friends :3

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