Saturday 16 April 2011


Although im only 14, i still have alot to think about right. You see i need to make a decision on what i want to do as a profession when im older, im currently in year 10 at Ormiston Venture Academy, and ive taken my GCSE'S early with the rest of my year. Its scary to think that i have year 11 left and then im off to collage.
   My mid was set on becoming a Deaf&Dumb English teacher in a primary school, but as i thought about it more in depth i wouldn't enjoy waking up every morning from staying up late marking books and planning lessons, even though i really do admire children and the art of sign language i dont think that sort of life is cut out for me anymore..
  So its come to my conclusion of either becoming a Interior Designer or a Photographer. I think at the moment because im so into photography and just capturing memory's and stuff like that im gonna go with that option. My type of photography at the moment isnt good but its getting better but i need to work on it alot, but ive only ever tried nature shots with a few close ups of my sister BUT...i asked my friend Lauren if she'd wanna be my model so i can try it out and see how that goes with people aswell as nature.
   I hope to study photography at Great Yarmouth collage and if we get the choice of picking another option in the future of schooling ill defiantly pick photography. Ill post some pictures down below so you can get a rough idea of how not great i am:)

you can also see some pooey shots here(when i first got my camera)

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