Thursday 7 April 2011

venture's got talent.

Venture's Got talent, 7/4/2011.
The winner Kaileb Bryant. She is a pianist who is truly 100% amazing, i was so shocked when i heard her play. 
   Kaileb is a Year 9 student at my school Ormiston Venture Academy, ive seen her millions of times around school and its funny how you see people around school and you never even think what kind of tricks they have up there sleeve. I can honestly say i love this girls style i think shes so beautiful and she looked absolutely stunning tonight. Im so glad she won she deserved every last clap and cheer she got. Kaileb played Bella's lullaby and i was honestly shocked it was so good i thought there was a tape player under her foot;), but no its her playing.  I was in shock. 
  She looked absolutely beautiful in her dress and her hair is lush! she's so talented for her age i know i keep saying but its true, and i hope she reads this and smiles because she deserves it and im so glad she won.
   There where so many good acts tonight though aswell such as Alex Frith, A drummer, hes actually amazing, his friends made me laugh they where on there feet screaming there lungs out cheering it was so funny, all in all he was absolutley amazing though i personally think he's better then keiran gaffney or however you spell it. He didnt make it into the top two but he only lost by 1% of the voting to the cheerleaders, I think that these two where my fave's along with Rikki Robbinson who composed his own song he was pretty good. 

But kaileb and alex where tehe two that got me tonight and I'm sure the 200 odd people who where there will agree :)
The winner Kaileb, She was truly amazing :)

Alex Frith-The drummer, really talented !

Another Act i really enjoyed just forgot to mention up above was a comedy act by Ryan, Alistair,Ben and Nick on sound effects, they were really good and i loved the bit where Ryan did something with his boxers to the principle:') these kids are so going to be on west end if they wonted to, there pretty hilarious :')

Ryan&Alistair, they are really good, Ben was good too i just couldn't get a good enough picture :(

Well done to all the acts but these are the ones that personally stood out to Me 

 SHOUT OUT TO: Keelie who did amazing in the lyrical dance :) <--love her

Links to there performances down below: -kaileb bryant - alex frith - ryan, alistair, ben & nick

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