Saturday 16 April 2011

a look back on the past for teenage girls

Them days when...u girls where convinced that wearing crop tops where the proper bras and suddenly we had risen to women hood.
Them days when..we all thought disposable cameras where the best things in the world and suddenly we went into professional photographer mode. 
Them days when...we was all convinced that boys had cooties or some sort of zombie disease that if we touched the animals we'd immediately DIE!!
Them days when...we wasn't looked down on for peeing in a swimming was a cool thing to do. 
Them days was cool to be stark naked on a beach without being called bad words i don't think i should repeat.
Them days when...boys thought they where some sort of power ranger of superhero and they'd do crazy karate shizznick in out faces.
Them days when it was fantastic to have at least eight boyfriends and roughly about 2 husbands.
Them days when...chicken nuggets were the best thing in the world well besides from eating sand
Them days when...we got treated to a happy meal and we felt like QUEENS, and the nest day when someone would ask what we had for tea we'd say it in a sarky kind of way as if to say 'HAHA YOUR LIFE FAILS BOOOYYAAAHHH' 
Them days when...We could use our 'cheeky smile' to get anything we its known as a pedo smile..
Them days when...loosing teeth was WOMANHOOD! 
Them days when...we could get all the presents of nan and gramps to fill that little speck on your floor.
Them days when...going on a school trip was like going to Italy
Them days when...we could draw the absolute scruffiest and still bring mum to tears
Them days when...we worked are butts of to do our best in school.
Them days when...we where rebels for having the crusts cut off our sandwiches...our hairs not going curly..
Them days when...watching the tweenies live was like being at the royal variety show
Them days when...whoever had the best ponytails would be like empress of the playground
Them days when...we could throw a paddy to get our own way!
Them days when...getting heat-rash was a deadly illness..
Them days when...we where able to sit in the trolley
Them days when...we sung we was so going to win pop idol :')

I made alot of comparisons for then and now, and it does make me laugh haha..

them days where good whilst they lasted!

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