Wednesday 6 April 2011

the cuteness

The cuteness in this world is so amazingly weird. I mean them moments when the sweetest child walks past you and all you can do is say the words 'awwwhhh', its an uncontrollable habbit that makes us feel like absolute twats afterwards, but it makes the parents feel good right :). So i was on my way to school this morning and this most adorable little boy EVER! he was so small and cute and ginger and just melted my heart..anyway so i was walking past him and his mum was abit in front trying to get to school on time and i look at him in utter shock at how cute this child is and he pulls the cheekiest most amazing grin  and sticks his thumb up, it made me laugh uncontrollably and i don't even care i must of looked like a complete nutter to my fellow school pupils but this kid really made my day because for once i wasn't greeted by kids picking there noses or popping there spots!!..So this one child really got me thinking about all the cute people in my life, there is so many in more ways then one. Their personality, looks and there laugh.
  The laugh of a person can ultimately decide how cute they are. Like my little sisters she's 8 and she has such a funny laugh is what my family calls a 'mucky' laugh. Except its only funny when she's not putting it on, see she's at this attention seeking, thinks she's older then she really is stage . Another is my Nephew Corey who is 4 i think hehe ;) hes absolutely adorable with his Liverpudlians accent and his laugh is quite similar to a 'mucky' laugh but its quite high and its just one of them laughs that you cant laugh at. The last laugh goes to my gourguss cousin Orla who is 7 she has such a weird laugh and it sounds so freakish it just brings out the chubbiness in her cheeks.
   My second cousin Ella is the most adorable child known to man, I've never really herd her laugh though but shes ADORABLE, she's one of them child's you have to smile at no matter what mood your in...even though she's 1 :)

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