Friday 22 April 2011

people and there ways

People can really swap your emotions. One minute your calm and the next you feel like you just want to scream in their face. Wether its your family or friends or a stranger someone or more then one will always bring you down when you least expect it.
  Maybe its ourfault we get bought we deserve it, are we really that easy of a target? do they now what they say can affect someone so much in such a little way. But are we that sensitive that we get upset because its just not what we wont to hear? how do we prepare for the comments? laugh along with it? go home and cry? hit a pillow? talk back?
  We all get them days where our feelings are fragile right ? but why are the people we care about most always the ones to hurt us ? even if its just a word. And i cant say ive never said something to upset someone. But do we do it infront of people to make ourselfs look bigger and cooler? maybe. 
We all get them days that we just are on such a low because of other people that we just dont care, we dont care about what day it is what time of day it is or what the time is. We dont care wether our handwriting is neat or wether weve spelt woeds correctly.

were only human.

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