Sunday 24 April 2011

to my bestfriends

My life is changing just as the weather is here in England. It seems every time the weather gets better and better so does my life.  Even though i have always loved my friends more them most things Ive really started to adore them best ones, i mean your best friends are your best friends because there perfect to you. I have more then one and to be honest i couldn't live without any of them, recently i was on quite a low but im looking to the positives as i always try to do, and just really in love with my friends at the moment :)

Dear Lily, Esmee, Cobie, Callum, Briony, Sophie, Kellie, Lauren, Daniel, Logan and Carlie
  Your amazing people and you all mean so much to me, thank you for always being there for me when i needed it the most.
 Lily, Esmee, you've put up with me for seven years now and i love you for that. I adore you both and you've always been there for me even if we argued. Your both hilarious and i now that the day will be amazing if you two are there, recently we've become alot closer and i really do love you both so much. Your both so beautiful and if you ever let anybody tell you different ill kill you.
 Cobie, what can i say, when i was really down you came to my rescue..your absolutley perfect in everyway and i love you so much, i class you as my bestfriend and i love how great our talks are on the phone and i need you to now that your the first ever person ive talked to on the phone whilst peeing;). You make me laugh all the time and your just so beautiful and you need to remind yourself of that everyday because you now you are your just in denyl.
 Callum, my new friend, i adore you, your so amazing we've had so amazing conversations over he time ive known you, and your one of them people you feel like youve known your whole life when youve only known you for a short pieriod of times:), youve always been there for me and your an amazing friend i love you to pieces:)
 Briony, ive known you since middle school and recently weve became quite close, your an amazing beautiful person who deserves all the happiness in the world, you make me laugh so much and i really do think your amazing, weve had some amazing times over the years that ill never forget, i love you x
 Sophie, weve become close latley and i adore you, your so beautiful and you deserve so much happiness, your amazing and you never fail to make me laugh when im down and your positive about most things, your absolutley gourguss and i love you so much.
 Kellie, weve had plenty of downs over the years and even though we used to be at a point where we where unsepreble we drifted..some friends do, but your one of them people who even though we drifted ill never ever wont you out of my life even if we where just friends id be happy thats you was in my life if that makes sense. Your so beautiful and i love how funny you are, i like how were getting closer everyday, cant wait for the circus :D loveyouxx
Lauren, weve been close for ages and i now weve drifted but ill always love you loads, and ill never forget the amazing memorys weve had, your so funny and your always there for me whenever im down, i now things arnt always easy for you but im always here for you i love you loadsxx
 Dan, my best boy mate..what a year ayy, youve always been there for me no matter what and weve become really close latley, and idc if people think we fancy eachother, because we now that were bestfriends, i love you loads x
 Logan, your like my little brother, and although we got to a point where we didnt speak for ages i still class you as my little brother, your a lovley lad, and ill always be here for you no matter whatx
 Carlie, although you are my cousin, your like my sister, i love you loads and even though we see eachother twice a year if were lucky were still very close, your always there for me as i am for you and weve had some cracking memorys that ill never forget, you tell me the funniest things about your life and i now its not always easy for you but ill always have your back and i love you more then youll ever now:) x

I now its really shloppy but im in that mood and i do really love them above x

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