Monday 4 April 2011


To all the people who put labels on people...get over yourself. You are no better then the next person you lay your eyes onto. What's the point ? to try and make yourself look better then you really are or to give yourself reassurance that your just the slightest bit better then that person, well your not.
    My best friend is basically mental, but she has amazing opinions and really got the point across to me. I'm not saying that ive never put a label on someone, but after i thought about it and my best friend's words it really made me think...that word i called that person may be the end of them.
    We don't now what goes on in that persons life and we dont now how hard things are for them or what happens behind closed curtains. Most of us dont think before we speak and we dont always consider the consequence. For all we now a few hours before the person were about to target out could have had a real hard time at home, or is getting bullied at school..we contribute, we make the situation worse and to be honest if you just sit there and laugh at the person who is making these remarks your a part of it.
    Think this way say there was a girl that had just started your school she wasn't like you or she didnt fit into your standards. You dont now anything about her, you dont now anything about her life you just now what you think of her and you decide to share with your friends who more or less will repeat to there friends and so on until it gets back to this girl. She goes home thinking she's done something wrong to make everybody turn against her and the only place she fits in is with the people just like her..but them people can rise above it and they can make themselves feel better, but she cant. Things at home arnt easy for her either..her parents are divorced and her mum is struggling to find a job and get some good wages for her and her younger sibling. When she sits in her room tears running down her face because she feels so hurt and like nothing will ever get better. Her mum finds her and tells her that everything will get better and they will move onto someone new next..but will they?..will you?. The next day she feels fine after a good night sleep but she hears people whispering behind her back giving her evil glares and why? because she wears dark makeup. Not the sort you would wear. later after a hard day she logs onto her computer onto her facebook and finds rude comments about her. They make her feel like she's at rock bottom. This is still carrying on at school and things are still rough at home..she curls up in bed one night and thinks to herself this can all end, i could make this go away...She walks into the kitchen and pulls out a knife and with a slice of that blade all the pain the struggling and the humiliation has gone. Her blood is on your contributed to that innocent girls death, you didnt think of the consequences it can have on you. I bet you feel bad and wish you never called her a skank,fat,loner,nerd.
    People may be looking at there computer screens thinking this is actual bull...but remember you could be the death of someone and could you live with it ? knowing that you basically are the end of that person.
    Why do we do it? When our school teachers ask us why dont we wont uniforms? (im assuming everybody has given the same answer) 'Because we wont to express ourselves..we wont to show people who we really are and not be trapped in our blazers', truth is when we do express ourselves wether its through our clothes, hair, makeup, jewelry, music, likes or dislikes we still get judged,humiliated and labeled. Most teenage suicide is caused by depression but what causes this depression because we dont wake up in the morning feeling like this all of a sudden. Its people like this who dont think about what they say. Ive decided to make a change and think before i speak and really think about how id feel if it was me in their shoes. If your one of these people you should to. 

 And if your the person who has ever felt like this show them your worth so much more then you make out to be and just think you probaly have alot more things that you can say about them.

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