Saturday 9 April 2011

the blind side

Besides from being my favorite film, today after watching The Blind Side once again it really got me thinking..
  If you haven't watched The Blind Side its about a young boy Michale Oher who lives in basically a really rough place, his mum is a drug addict and its not a good place. So Michael is homeless and sleeping on his friends couch and when they kick him out because the mother of hid friend doesn't wont to take on the responsibility of Michael he is homeless. Coach Burt has convinced the admission people in the christian church to let 'big mike' go to school there, and Michael is basically the only black person in this christian church..from what we now so far Michael only has a polo-t shirt and two pairs of trousers in a carrier bag to his name, until Leigh Ann Touey (apologies if i spelt her last name wrong) and her husband Sean Touey are one their way home from watching there son sj's (Sean junior) play, when they see Michael walking in the pouring rain in just some shorts and a t-shirt....they take him in and it all ends good in the end with Michael Oher becoming a professional footballer. The story is so gripping and its hard to imagine that this film and the books are based on a true story. 
  Im not a religious Christian nor am i American so i wouldnt know anything about American football all i know is that its kind of like English rugbay but some of the words i9n the film really got me thinking. 

Our life is the only life we have ever known, it doesnt matter if your rich, poor, come from a large family or a small it is the only life weve ever known, and we never really think about what goes on beyond street or neighborhood we live. There is so many neglected, homeless and abused children in the world today and its happening right under our noses. In the film 'The Blind Side' is used in a sort of football term aswell as a sort of moral or something, but i had a think about the title and it's so convienient in more ways the one. Everyone kind of has a blind side where we are totaly oblivious to what goes on around is, in the sort of places Michael Oher was dragged down in. The film really inspired me to become a better person, infact i wont to become a better person then i am right know wether its just the small things to the large. If everyone was liek Leigh Anne Toey oh my gosh the world would be so much better. Im not saying ill be a big hero like her and the other toueys are im just saying id like to do things for the better sometimes in my life knowing other people who really need it will benefit from it. I mean if you saw basically a child walking in the freezing rain going to the school gym because its warm would you tell the child to get in your car and take this child to your house and give the child a place to stay..would you get so attached youd make him an official part of your family? no matter what race, colour size, religion, beleifs this child has?, even if the child had great difficulties? Some people might but some people wont, we cant change who we are any quicker then we wont, because things will hold you back but shouldnt we just kick them out of the way and move on with the good things ? its difficult to say im going to change and try to become the best person i can then to actually try too, but i really think if more people did just a little thing in there time to help someone in desperate need then the world would be so much better then it is.

To all them people who care, and do hudge things for thoses less fortunate, thankyou!

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