Tuesday 12 April 2011


so tonight i am sleeping at my friend Johns house with Sophie and Christian, it is 04:40am in the morning and i was rudely awoken by a nightmare, this is a first for me to be honest ive never had a nightmare whilst sleeping round someone's house. And i gotta say its not cool"/, im majorly freaked and i guess thats why im blogging today/tonight; to keep my mind occupied?
    The freakiest bit about it is that sophie woke up with nightmares the exsact same time as i did, although something else has happend to sophie which is personal and private and i wont go into, so that may have caused it for her ? but i now she's prone to nightmares! me on the other hand i have no clue about. 
I wonted to wake up to my friend so i had some comfort but no he decided to go downstairs and fall asleep, this did not help and i feel that if my heartpumps and harderit will tear through my skin. 
And my nightmare wasnt even that bad its just after watching the last excorsism earlier i think that played on my mind abit, anyway so heres what i got freaked out about...right im lying where im lying now and sophie and john are asleep like on the flory thing and christians downstairs (which is true haha) and all of a sudden the door creeks open and the girl from paranormal activity like slowly walks in and stand theregazing into my eyes and nobody will wake up...thats it;it honestly felt so life like, i think the word is vivid? please correct me if im wrong or if your actualy reading this because so far my blog has gotten like 6 veiws approximatley, umm i think the veiw thingy is broken, nono scratch that i hope its broken. So to them approximate 6 people, thankyou for veiwing my blog!!
  Anywaaaay me and sophie just went to get a glass of water and i was so freaking out all i could imagine was turning around and the girl standing there. and when we was halfway through she says to me 'oh can you just shut the door so the cat dont get in' so i did but i felt myself bolt up the stairs like as fast as my legs could go without trying to make a noise so i wouldnt wake the whole street up and just dive for the bed which is quite a distance, and thats how i ended up blogging this which no one will probaly read, but at least i know its here right? no your right my life sucks!!! well im just gonna go and tweeet know, if you do read this and decide to follow me you can @kjsmithx


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