Thursday 7 July 2011


so i didnt stay true to my word. im sorry. So the second day both the morning group and afternoon group had two workshop dance things waiting for them in the hall, so after getting about 17 shoes and socks of 4 year olds we had to do some balley and jungle fun. I tell you what no matter how much you tell 4 year old boys that ballay is not just for girls and they can be big boy fairys they will not have it!... ontop of that it was a really hot day and the teachers expected me to do this aswell..i was in a skirt hopping around 4 year olds trying to be a frog. SO this was pretty much the second day. The third days was basically normal playing and fun i was put in charge of rock painting. AND today was my fave, i think i made a bond with some certain children :3 i never have had so many cuddles in my life, i just love going to be so sad leaving tommorow D: and i told some of the kids today that tommorow was my last day and a few nearly started crying (wow i sound like im braging) but i just love them, im so attached :(, anyway i will write tommorow

much love xoxox

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